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What does Harvey Weinstein have in common with a broken arm? (NSFW)

They both are looking forward to getting their cast off.

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No one ever fucks me

Billy has always wanted to go on a deep sea fishing trip but could never afford it. He saved all the spare money he could but still didnt have enough to pay for tge trip so he decides to just buy a 6 pack of Bud Light and fish off of the pier.

He gets out to the pier and notices a woman with ...

A couple of hippies are sitting on a park bench...

...when a pair of nuns walks by, one of them on crutches and with most of her leg in a cast. The more outgoing of the two hippies asks, "Oh man! What happened? Are you okay?"

The hobbling nun responds, "Yes, my son. I slipped and fell in the bathtub and broke my tibia. The doctor says I'...

A boy breaks his arm and his dad takes him to the hospital.

The son gets a cast and heals up just fine after several weeks. He goes up to his father after he gets his cast off and says, "Dad, I'm healed!"

"Hi Healed, I'm Dad."

The son laughs and thinks his dad is the funniest ever.

A year later, the boy falls on his face and chips a toot...

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church bulletin bloopers

*These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services:*
The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.
The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.' The sermon tonight: 'Searching for ...

The cruise ship captain (oc)

A cruise ship captain was waiting to set sail, but didn't have as many people on board as he needed to make it worth while, so he got an idea, he would go to the boardwalk, and offer people half price for tickets. He got a couple of takers, but not enough.

Then he got another idea, he would ...

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