falsettowarbledescantserenadesingminstrel showpolyphonyminstrelscrooncontraltosongcrooneraltolullabyjimmie rodgers

[yodelling intentensifies]

"Knock knock!"

"Who's there?"

"The old lady he. "

"The old lady he who? [Yodeleheeho]

" Damn I didn't know you were so good at yodelling! "

If you're here for the yodeling lesson

please form an orderly orderly orderly queue.

what's the difference between Modeling and Yodeling?

One's to form an orderly orderly orderly orderly queue and the other is a singing technique

I learned how to yodel

-Knock knock.

--Who’s there?

-Yoda lady.

--Yoda lady who?

-Good job yodeling!

What do you call a guy who knows how to yodel but doesn't?

A good neighbor.

You’ll hear me yodel’n

Papa heads in to take a shower and yells to his wife, “Ima head’n in to take a shower.
You’ll hear me yodel’n.
If I stop yodel’n, come in and fetch me out as I’ve either fallen or fallen asleep”
“But Papa, mama cries,
“how’ll we know if you’re just in there fiddle’n yaself?”
Papa re...

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Yodelling isn't just a form of singing.

It's also a warning that old jedi will fuck you if you're dishonest.
Because Yoda lay he who lie.

There was a fire in a yodelling school.

Everyone was to exit in an orderly orderly orderly fashion.

Knock-Knock. Who is there? Yoda lady

Stop yodelling

Knock knock.

"Who's there?"


"Yodel-ehee who?"


Courtesy of my niece, enjoy :)

Hugh Jackman films a movie in the Swiss Alps and loses his Dell laptop.

Just when he thinks it's lost forever, he is grateful to see it found, in the hands of a yodeler who tells him:

"Your Dell lay here, Hugh!"

Who's there? A little old lady. A little old lady who?

I had no idea you could yodel.

What sound does a Swiss donkey make on a mountain?


Knock knock?

Whose there?

A little old lady


A little old lady who?


I didn't know you could yodel!

Credit does to Google voice assistant. I sheer shock had me laughing for a solid 15 seconds.

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Ever wonder how yodeling was invented?

Long ago, a mountain climber was walking through a valley on his way to a nearby mountain he had his eye on climbing. As he grew near his destination he saw a little farmhouse with a little barn with a farmer outside tending to his animals. The climber approached the farmer and asked if he could spe...

Two Chinese men climbed a mountain

While climbing one of them dropped their little radio into a ravine. The other man shouted "oh da ladio"...

And that's how yodelling was invented.

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A hiker was traveling through Switzerland when he got tired, so he decided to stop at the next house he passed.

In that house lived a farmer, his wife, and his daughter. When the hiker knocked on the door, the farmer told him to sleep in the barn. Then the farmer went straight to bed.

The farmer's daughter went down to the barn and returned an hour later covered in straw, with her clothes all dishevele...

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I discovered that Germans invented cunnilingus...

Apparantly they've been yodeling in the black forest for centuries.

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A knock-knock joke that will blow your mind!

Who is there?
Old Lady Lahey...
Old Lady Lahey Who?
Holy shit, I didn't know you could yodel!

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