motherinsultpromiscuityobesityheightlazinesshairinessfilial pietyageingracepovertyhygieneuglinessstupidityviolence

Yo mama’s so fat

When she skips a meal, the stock market drops.

Yo mama so fat

her pronouns are Hershey

Yo mama...

So dyslexic even her blood is Type-O

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Yo mama so fat, they did a story on how fat she was on the channel 3 news

I switched to channel 7 and you could still see her ass in the corner of the screen

Yo mama so ugly

When she sits on her phone, it unlocks.

Yo mama joke I thought of it

Yo mama is so fat and old that she’s still eating from the last supper.

Edit : Jesus Christ this blew up. Didn’t know so many of you had to release yo mamas from your system.

Yo mama so fat...

Yo mama so fat she has her own gravity

But she so ugly people are still repelled by her

Yo mama so slow...

it took her 9 months to make a joke.

Yo mama is so fat that…

She needs to wear a watch on both wrists because of time zone difference.

Yo Mama so fat, when she breaks a plate…

It’s usually of the tectonic variety.

Yo Mama So Fat...

She went skydiving and got stuck.

Yo mamas so fat....

She starts the alphabet with O B C D

Yo mama's so fat

she went out in high heels and came back in flip flops

Yo Mama so fat that when she slid into my DMs….

My phone ran out of space.

Yo mama so fat...

The only scale she could use is the Richter Scale

Yo mama so dumb

that she spent 5 hours staring at a glass of orange juice because it said ‘concentrate’ on the package.

Yo mama so dumb...

...she tells yo mama jokes to you and your siblings.

Yo mama so fat

She has a watch for every time zone she's in,
When she walks past the tv, you miss 8 seasons,
She beat galactus in a planet-eating contest,
Thanos couldn't snap her out of existence,
Flash died before he could do a lap around her
And she ate a black hole because she was hungry

Yo mamas so ugly

Her portraits hang themselves

Yo mama so old

Her chiropractor a paleontologist

Yo mama so fat. . .

I swerved my car to avoid hitting her and ran out of gas.

Yo mama so fat

when she eats Taco Bell, she gets the walks.

Yo mama so fat

she outta breath from taking the escalator.

Every yo mama joke has been done thousands of times by thousands of people...

.... Just like yo mama.

yo mamas so fat

i pictured her in my head and she broke my neck

Yo mama so ugly...

she walked into a haunted house and came out with a job application!

Yo Mama So Fat

When she takes a bath she doesn't use any water and it still overflows!

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A group of teenagers were getting into a yo mama fight

And everyone was getting into it except the indian boy at the back.

When asked why he wouldn't participate
He replied: "I too would make fun of your mothers but in my culture disrespecting cows is frowned upon."

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Yo mama is so dumb...

...She refused to give your dad a blowjob because she thought he'd lose his unemployment benefit.

Yo mama so fat

Every time she's about to jump in the pool God says: "Noah, get the boat NOW"

Yo Mama Joke by a Physics Professor

Yo Mama is so fat you can see the objects that are directly behind her

Yo mama's so fat

when she sat on a memory foam it forgot

Yo mama so fat

When she fell I didn't laugh, but the sidewalk cracked up

Yo Mama's so old ...

her dating service is named Carbon.

Yo mama might have covid.

She has no taste, nobody wants to be around her, and she really should put on a mask.

Yo Mama is so ugly

If Bill Cosby found her unconscious he’d call the paramedics

Yo mama's so narcissistic...

She makes cupcakes for your class on her birthday!

Yo mama so fat that

She uses Macrowave instead of microvave.

Depression/suicide jokes are basically yo mama jokes of our generation — they're lazy, unfunny and useless

Just like me

Yo mama so dumb, When the doctor told her she was pregnant,

She asked, "Is it mine?"

Yo mama so fat

She ate her laptop because the website said it had cookies in it.

Yo mama so oily...

The US tried to invade her!

Yo mama's so fat

when she goes to the beach, Greenpeace shows up to try and drag her back into the ocean.

Yo mama so ugly…

Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory!

Yo mama jokes thread

What are some of the best "Yo mama" jokes of recent times?

I'll go first: Yo mama's so stupid, she thought a quarterback was a refund.

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Yo Mama is like a bowling ball

She likes it when you fill all her holes and when your done with her you can throw her in the gutter and the bitch always comes back for more.

Yo Mama so old...

Her first cruise was on Noah's Ark.

Yo mama so fat...

When she hauls ass, she has to make two trips.

Gimme your best yo mama jokes.

Yo mama so old...

In school, history was called present.

Yo mama's so fat...

...she has to upgrade her data plan every time she sends a selfie.

Yo mama so fat

That scientists call her "The Great Attractor"

Yo mama's so fat

Her nose can't even run

Came up with this myself and was quite proud

Yo mama so stupid

When she gives someone a piece of her mind, it's considered particle decay.

Yo mama so fat

The earth was actually flat until they buried her.

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Yo mama so fat

The strip club calls her Hitler after all the damage she's done to the poles.

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Yo Mama...

...is so nasty, I had phone sex with her and she gave me an ear infection.

Biden and Barack don't tell each other "yo mama" jokes...

they tell each other Jo 'Bama jokes.

(I'm sorry, it's terrible)

Yo Mama's so hairy...

Her dandruff shampoo is called "Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes"

Yo mama so poor…

… that ducks throw bread at her.

Yo Mama so OLD

She met Gary Oldman when he was Gary Numan.


Yo Mama so fat, You can hide behind her back and still be visible...

Because of Gravitational Lensing.

Yo mama so ugly…

Even Ripley couldn’t believe it.

Yo mama so fat...

...she had an heart attack while running an app.

Medieval Yo Mama joke

Saw this joke today, it’s from the 1400’s

A young Florentine was going down to River Arno with one of
those nets in which they wash wool, and met a frolicsome boy,
who, out of fun, asked him what birds he was going to catch with
that net of his? "I am going to the Brothel's outlet,"...

Yo mama so ugly

Yo momma so ugly the whole world faked a virus and ruined the economy just to make her wear a mask

Yo mama is so fat.

Her weight loss program was featured on: Top 10 failed megaprojects.

Yo mama is so poor

That she cant even pay attention

Yo mama so old...

... I told her to act her age, and she died.

Yo mama jokes are classics

They’re kinda outdated, yet still enjoyed by many.

Just like yo mama.

Yo mama is so fat and so old...

...that she's currently rolling over in her gravy.

Yo mama so dumb

She heard there was a sale on color TVs, and she tried to buy a green one.

Yo mama so fat...

her carbon footprint turned to diamond.

Me and my mates stayed up all night last night telling Yo Mama jokes.

She’s got a great sense of humour. Send my love.

Yo mama's so fat...

when she was diagnosed with a flesh eating disease, the doctor gave her 80 years to live.

Yo mama so big, the stork couldn't carry her...

They needed a *crane*.

Yo mama

Yo mama's so fat her blood type is A1

Yo mama so poor

When people come to the door she gotta stick her head out and say “Ding, Dong!”

Yo mama so fat…

That when she went to [insert foreign country] she became [home country]’s largest export

Yo mama jokes will always remain a classic.

Yo mama so fat, it takes a substation transformer to power her defibrillator.

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