
A lot of these Olympians must be pretty untrustworthy...

because all the TV pundits keep banging on about how unbelievable they are

Atoms are untrustworthy little critters.

They make up everything!

What do you call an untrustworthy sheep?

A dodgy ram.

Why are Pandas untrustworthy?

They bamboozle you.

Why are cat pirates so untrustworthy?

They tend to commit mewtiny

Where can you find books on untrustworthy cheese?

At a lie-brie

What do you get when you cross a talented basketball player, and an untrustworthy royal vizier?

Kareem Abdul-Jafar; although these days I hear he's a magical genie who dabbles in writing Sherlock Holmes novels.

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An old multi-billionaire is lying on his deathbed...

And he calls his 3 best friends into the room.


"Now look," he says, "I know I won't be alive much longer, and you know I love my money. I want to prove to my family that you CAN take it with you when you go. So, to keep them from getting their greedy mitts on my money, I'm ...

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