gnomonsunsolar timelatitudetrue northequinoxellipseequation of timecelestial poleconesouthanalemmaobeliskstandard timeplane

The guy who invented autocorrect has died...

...his funfair will be help next sundial.

I forgot to shave my sundial yesterday...

..hence the five o'clock shadow

"I like your new sundial," Jack said to Slow Jim.

"It's great, isn't it?" said Slow Jim. "I've even had floodlights installed, so I can also use it at night."

Finally a documentary full of watches, hourglasses, and sundials.

It's about time.

Son: Dad, how does a sundial work?

Dad:(hands son his phone) Now call your mother.

Son: Why don't you just do it?

Dad: That would be a DadDial!

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Yo Mama's so old... and stupid... and fat.

Yo Mama's so old she remembers when Captain Caveman was a lieutenant,

yo Mama's so old, when she went to school history class was just one paragraph.

yo Mama's so stupid, she has a glow in the dark sundial in her garden,

yo Mama's so stupid she went to the Dentist to fix her Blu...

A man takes three Xanax...

A man takes three Xanax and lays down on a sundial. Death meanders up and says "Dude, you're on borrowed time".

Daylight Savings Time Gave Me a Back Injury

I need to buy a smaller sundial.

A Jamaican guy asks another Jamaican guy...

"Hey mon, do you know what the thing that casts the shadow in a sundial is called?"

The other guy thinks for a moment and then responds: "Gnomon".

The first human migrants to America are about to cross the land bridge between Eastern Russia and Alaska. The navigator seems a bit lost.

The year is 13,000 BC. The first human migrants to America are about to cross the land bridge between Eastern Russia and Alaska. The navigator seems a bit lost.

"You alright?" They ask him, waiting eagerly at the shore with a distant view of the new lands that awaited them.

"Yeah, I th...

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