board gameword gamedictionarynbcbackgammonchesssowpodsgamescribblegrope forhasbromatteltrademarkparcheesiparker brothers

I accidently swallowed some scrabble tiles

My next dump could spell disaster


Once my dog ate all the Scrabble tiles...

He kept leaving little messages around the house.

Playing Scrabble is like talking to women...

You spend the whole time looking at the rack trying to form words.

I haven't kept up my subscription to Scrabble Club.

Now they're sending me threatening letters.

Why is it impossible to keep Oedipus from cheating at Scrabble?

He's always trying to look at his mother's rack.

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My brother and I made a bet— whoever lost our Scrabble game would have to eat a tray full of the tiles.

My next poop could spell disaster.

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I was given MDMA and LSD tonight...

What a shit way to start a game of Scrabble.

My dog ate a whole bag of Scrabble tiles, so I took him to the vet..

No word yet....

My wife found out I was cheating after she found the letters I was hiding

She got mad and said she is never playing Scrabble with me again!

Yesterday I saw a guy spill all his Scrabble letters on the road.

I asked him, "What's the word on the street?"

A Scrabble game got dumped all over the interstate highway.

That's the word on the street at least.

I once put a scrabble tile into a Nerf gun and shot it at my friend, killing him instantly.

It was an accident though, I thought it was a blank.

Apparently, stating letters and their Scrabble values is a good idea...

...I for one agree.

Had an idea for a Scrabble like game where you can only use racial slurs as words.

The object is to see who can out trump who.

I just ate a scrabble set

Now I'm having consonant vowel movements

A truck carrying Scrabble games crashed yesterday

That’s the word on the street, anyway

I always get the worst letters when I'm playing Scrabble...

Like the one telling me my grandmother died...

(actual true story) I saw some board games in the middle of the road that must have falled off of a car; the Scrabble box had burst open and there were tiles everywhere.

A case of a wreck tile dysfunction.

I forgot to renew the fee for my Scrabble membership

Now they’re sending me threatening letters!

We lost all the vowels from our Scrabble set.

So I sold it on Ebay as a Welsh edition.

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I got drunk yesterday and ate some scrabble tiles....

Seemed fun at the time, but now that I'm sober, I fear my next poop could spell disaster.

Old MacDonald had a very bad Scrabble hand...


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I got drunk and to impress a girl, I swallowed a bunch of scrabble tiles.

My next trip to the bathroom could spell disaster.

**EDIT: WOW, thanks for all the love on this post. It’s my first post in JOKES where I didn’t get ripped a new butthole for allegedly stealing/reposting. Thanks Reddit!**

“Wait a minute! You have been cheating on me all this time!”, my wife yelled at me as she found all the letters I had been hiding.

I felt cornered and prepared myself to face her fury, as she got red with anger and started walking towards me. She looked straight into my eyes and gave me a killer look I could never forget.

And kids, that’s the last time I played scrabble with her!

The Scrabble museum was robbed last night.

the curators are at a loss for words.

Someone dropped their Scrabble in the middle of the road...

...that's the word on the street anyway.

My mom thought she could beat me at Scrabble

But I wooden letter

What's the most dangerous part about Scrabble

It's all fun and games until someone loses an I

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I lost a Scrabble game today when my opponent played the word "Clitoris".

I was amazed at how fast he found it.

I just can't say no to a game of scrabble.

Resistance is a few tiles.

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Who would win at scrabble between a Squirrel and a Raccoon?

The Squirrel, it has a Q in it!

Sonny and Cher are playing scrabble. Sonny draws a tile out of the bag and Cher asks him what he picked.

He replies "I've got U babe"

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My friends say I get sadistic when I’m losing at Scrabble

But I made them eat their words

I can't believe I just lost in Scrabble..

There's no F in WAY

Where do Viking warrior scrabble champions go when they die?


I nearly dropped my game of scrabble

It could've spelled disaster if I actually did

I found myself stuck with the letters ‘D’ and ‘O’ at the end of a game of scrabble.

I had to try and make do

Scrabble, monopoly and cluedo were sitting around the bedroom feeling sorry for themselves

They hadn’t been played with in a long time and were feeling particularly frustrated and listless. They wanted something to do but just didn’t know what to do and so sat there with a mood on, not feeling happy at all.

Human 1 and human 2 came into the room and human 1 picked up monopoly and ...

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How do you get jizz off a Scrabble board?

Don't bother, that's 29 points right there.

My wife knows I’ve been cheating.

She found the letters that I’ve been hiding around the house.

She says she is upset. She says she is angry. She feels disappointed, let down an hurt.

She’s lost trust and doesn’t know how we can get past it.

Worst of all though, she says she doesn’t know if she can ever play Sc...

When I was little, my Dad built me a giant Scrabble board which was big enough to run around on.

One day I propped up the board on boxes and saw horses.

Then I organised a little show for the neighbourhood kids and their parents, which I presented from my big Scrabble board.

It was a play on words.

I was playing a quiet game of Scrabble with a friend

and he's a very sore loser. He was losing so badly, that he got extremely angry, picked up the bag and started throwing words beginning with 'th' at me.

I managed to dodge this, there and then. But I did not see that coming.

Did you hear about the new show, Scrabble on Broadway?

It's a play on words.

The Welsh language...

...was invented by someone losing at Scrabble.

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Soon after my girlfriend got pregnant, I got scared. She then got angry and shouted! Then I got high and vanished.

Then we both got bored of Scrabble and had sex.

I was playing Scrabble with my girlfriend when I put down AWORD. She protested, "That's not a word!"

I said, "It quite clearly is."

2 spies were captured by the goverment

They both sat in the interrogation room.

The first spy whispered to the second spy "Whatever you do.... Dont say a word..."

An officer came into the room and asked "what is your name?"

The second spy just looked down for a few seconds and said "jabbaracko"

The first sp...

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So me and this girl have been getting together pretty regularly to play Scrabble on the weekends...

...the other day we decided to meet at a bar after work and I made a joke about how it's too bad we can't play Scrabble in the bar, hoping she'd say, "We can still play Scrabble on our cellphones!" because everybody knows about those Scrabble apps, right? (Man, I could really go for a good game of S...

I've bought up all the Scrabble games I can get my hands on.

I heard there's a lot of money in text tiles.

I just picked up MDMA and LSD

Worst round of scrabble ever.

My remaining Scrabble tiles were PENSI, so I played the name of a long, hard body part ...

... SPINE.

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