asteroidcometmeteoritemeteor showermoonfireballmarsmeteoroidbolidecosmic dustplanetskyatmospherecraterspace debris

How is a meatball different than a meteor?

It’s meatier.

Friends invited me to a meteor shower party, but I couldn't make it.

They were crushed.

Can you just imagine how pterosaurs felt seeing that meteor entering the earths atmosphere?

Probably pterofied.

iPhone users, don’t bother sending the “Meteor” emoji to your Android friends...

...It won’t have the same impact.

People say that a huge meteor killed the dinosaurs.

I guess you could say it killed lots of birds with one stone.

What were dinosaurs called before the meteors hit?


What do meteors like about r/jokes?

The real joke is always in the comets.

What was NASA thinking when they decided to fly a rocket into a meteor?

Did I hit or didymos.

A meteor shower destroyed the Red Cross headquarters.

All Perseids went to charity.

What did the dinosaur say to the meteor?

Com-et me bro

Why did the Earth smell so bad after the meteor hit it?

Because afterwards the dinosaurs were all egg stink.

a meteor strikes the earth killing everything and the only surviving life form is a hungry alpaca.


What do visitors to the International Space Station have to do before boarding?

Pay the parking meteor.

Why did the astronaut throw away his vegetarian burger?

He wanted something *meteor*.

My friend showed me a photo of a famous meteor crater in Arizona.

It's amazing how close it landed to the Visitor's Center.

Why is it always a surprise when a meteor enters Earth's atmosphere?

Because they appear out of thin air.

Why does a shooting star taste better than a comet?

It's a little meteor.

What did the meteor say to the planet?

Lemme smash

Did you know you can crack open a meteor like an egg?

Of course you can, the real yolk is always in the comets.

If a meteor goes to a restaurant,

Would he prefer his sandwich to be vegan, or even meteor?

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If I watch a meteor shower

Does it feel violated?

(x-post shittyaskscience)

Would you like to go see a meteor shower?

What are you some kind of pervert?!?

I voted for Giant Meteor for 2016

Guess I'll just hope for another.

What's the difference between an anorexic and a shooting star?

One's all skin and bones, and the other's a little meteor

Why does a space rock make the best rock soup?

# Because its a little meteor.


As a Delta Air Lines jet was flying over Arizona on a clear day, the co-pilot was providing his passengers with a running commentary about landmarks over the PA system."Coming up on the right, you can see the Meteor Crater, which is a major tourist attraction in northern Arizona. It was formed when ...

Yo mama so fat, the only way she gets clean

is during a meteor shower

Why was the vegan comet upset?

As he entered the atmosphere he became a little meteor.

What did the black hole say after it swallowed an asteroid?

"It was good, but I wish it been a little meteor."

My girlfriend likes golden meteor showers

(I have kidney stones)

A team of astronomers have been preparing for a meteor shower for weeks.

When the day of the spectacle came, onlookers looked up to the sky, but saw nothing different. When reporters confronted the head astronomer about this blunder, embarrassed, he responded "No comet."

Meaty or Shower?

What is the difference between a hamburger and a shooting star?

While one is meaty...the other...is a little meteor.

What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo?

One is a heavy aquatic mammal...the other is a little lighter.

What's the difference between a pork chop and a small rock entering Earth's atmosphere from space?

One's meaty, but the other is a little meteor.

Many dinosaurs were very religious

In fact, prior to the meteor strike that killed them off, the most devout dinos were taken to Heaven. It was The Velocirapture.

Why did the dinosaur newspaper shut down?

It's ratings were killed off by social meteor!

Why are asteroids vegetarians?

Because they aren't meteors.

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Last time i had sex was just like the time a meteor wiped out the dinosaurs...

it happened so long ago ive forgotten the details.

Would you rather eat a chicken leg or a shooting star?

You'd probably say the chicken, but I'd pick the star... it's a little meteor.

Why do vegans hate astronomy?

Near Earth Objects are a bit meteor for their tastes

I thought I saw a shooting star but turns out it was dust on the telescope...

Turns out it was a meteor-wrong!

Where do astronauts leave their spacecraft?

At parking meteors.

Do vegetarians prefer moons or asteroids?

Moons, because asteroids are are a little meteor.

(Made up for my kids today)
#dadjoke #sorry

Hey,​ doc. I think I have a space illness.

D: Like a space adaptation syndrome?

M: No, doc, more like meteorism.

What's the point of the quarantine?

We are all going to die from a meteor in April anyway.

Why do people prefer shooting stars to vegetables?

Because they're meteor

One space rock, said to the other space rock, “got any more gossip on the affair?” The other space rock replied, “yeah, turns out Carl’s mistress... is a man!”

Space rocks always love when the story gets meteor.

TIL that dinosaurs used hot springs to take baths

But as time advanced they moved onto meteor showers.

New Pope

There were two Roman Catholic boys, Timothy Murphy and Antonio Secola whose lives paralleled each other in amazing ways. In the same year Timothy was born in Ireland, Antonio was born in Italy. Faithfully, they attended parochial school from kindergarten through their senior year in High School.

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End of the world

Two men are at the bar drinking, when all of a sudden a breaking news report comes on. "Breaking news, the world will end in one week! According to top scientist a meteor will hit the Earth in 7 days!" The first man looks at his friend and say, "so what are you going to in your last days?" To this h...

[Joke]It's the end of the world!

It's the end of the world, as a meteor will hit the Earth in one hour, and everyone is scrambling to shelters worldwide. However, to enter, the United States, broke even now, requires 25 cents to enter, only quarters.

Billy and his granddad are hurrying to the shelter, however, when they get ...

In the year 2030,

In the year 2030, space travel was expanding more than ever, and life science was seeing new revolutions every few weeks. Inventions in robotics and engineering were being created almost daily. But this new world came with a downside, the amount of harsh chemicals in the air were causing cancer to d...

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