
Why could Leonard Bernstein never go outside during a thunderstorm?

He was a very good conductor.

[In honor of Leonard Nimoy] How many ears does Spock have?

Three. A left ear, a right ear, and a final frontier.

I'm glad I got to see Leonard Cohen before he died...

It would have been really weird if I'd seen him after.

Just gonna say...

Number of times Leonard Cohen died before Trump was elected - 0

Number of times after - 1

Draw your own conclusions...

Sheldon, Howard and Raj saved up 1 million dollars each

Leonard only had a penny

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A man was out of work...

A man was out of work, and he was combing through the want ads. He saw that a school was looking for a bus driver, so he called and was asked to come for an interview. He got the job, and was surprised when he went out and found that the bus was garishly painted with Big Bird, Bert & Ernie, and ...

A grasshopper walks into a bar

The bartender immediately says, "Hey! We got a drink named after you!"

The grasshopper looks at him quizzically and says, "You've got a drink named Leonard?"

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