haemophiliahepatitishaemophilia ahaemophilia bbruiseaspiringreek languagefactor viiigenetic disorderfactor ixhemophilia bbleedingdiabetesanemiaclotting factor

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Q: What's the difference between hemophilia and virginity?

None. One prick, and it's all over.

I read an article on internet....

and it said that 3 of the most common hereditary diseases in the world are-

diabetes, hemophilia and infertility.

A man is driving down a road, swerving every now and then, so he’s pulled over by a cop, believing him to be drunk...

The cop then takes out a breathalyzer, and asks the driver to breath into it, the driver says he cannot, the cop asks why, and the driver tells him he has asthma.

The cop then walks back to his car and takes out a tube, he then returns to the driver and asks him for a urine test. The driver t...

A man is pulled over on the suspicion of drunk driving.

The officer comes up to the window and says "Son, I'm going to need you to take a breathalyzer test."

The man says, "I'm sorry, Officer, I can't do that."

"And why is that?"

"Well, you see sir, I'm an asthmatic. Blowing into one of those things would cause me to have an attack."...

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