unificationmergercombinationunioncoalitionamalgamsynthesissyncretismcombiningfusealliancemixconfederationnuclear fusionoptical fusion

New local fusion restaurant opened. The chef decided to leave classical music for high food.

His most delicious dish yet was the ciabatta and fugu in a meuniere.

I've written the funniest joke about Neuclear Fusion.

I'll post it in 20 years.

I want to open a Thai/Mexican/Korean fusion restaurant

It will be called Thai Cuando.

What is the biggest problem with a fusion between a millipede and a t-rex?

Too many legs, two little arms.

I noticed a nuclear fusion reactor the other day in my backyard.

While in my backyard the other day, I noticed a large gravitationally confined plasma thermo-nuclear fusion reactor. Being an engineer, I saw that it was radiating huge amounts of energy at very high velocity in the form of incredibly high frequency transversely polarized Maxwellian electromagnetic ...

My friend said Cardi B's music is a fusion between jazz and punk

So it's junk I said

There are two type of countries.

Those that use the metric system and those that have been to the moon and have recreated nuclear fusion.


I know a con artist who loves nuclear physics.
- He creates confusion.

I'm gonna open a Jamaican poke fusion resturant

Called Poke Mon

Snoop Dogg should open up a Vietnamese-German fusion restaurant

and call it Pho Schnitzel

I'm thinking of opening a Carribean/Korean fusion restaurant

I can call it "Seoul Food"

What do girls and cold fusion have in common?

Science still doesn't understand either of them.

My dad made a Vietnamese/Thai fusion dish the other day...

It was Tom-Phocurry.

When you go to a French-Afghani fusion restaurant...

...but you can't decide between the lamb burger or l'hamburger.

I'm having a hard time getting my German Chinese fusion restaurant going.

It's called Chow Mein Kampf.

I just had dinner at a Chinese-German fusion restaurant a couple of hours ago

The food was great but now I'm hungry for power.

Did you hear about the new Vietnamese noodle / southern BBQ fusion restaurant?

It's called Pho-Q

We tried that new fusion restaurant that only serves intestines and organ meat.

It was offal.

Anyone want to invest in my new African-Asian fusion restaurant?

It's going to be call "Wok like an Egyptian".

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I'm thinking of creating a Japanese-Spanish fusion cat cafe.

I'd call it Arigato.

Dad, does the moon provide light and heat to support all life on Earth through the process of Nuclear fusion?

No sun.

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A boy asks his teacher to use the restroom...

The teacher says yes and the boy goes. When he goes to wash his hands, he notices the words "Purple Fusion" on the soap dispenser. He gets back to the classroom and asks his teacher what it means. The teacher sends him to the principal. He asks the principal what it means and he expels the boy.

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Ford cars and anal.. If you replace ford with anal you will get some interesting results.

Anal Explorer
Anal Fiesta
Anal Focus
Anal Flex
Anal Fusion

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Sent on a golf tour in Newfoundland, Tiger Woods drives his new Ford Fusion into a petrol station in a remote part of the countryside.

The pump attendant, obviously knows nothing about golf, greets him in a typical Newfoundlander manner completely unaware of who the golfing pro is.

"How's ya gettin' on today, sir" says the attendant.

Tiger nods a quick "hello" and bends forward to pick up the nozzle. As he does so, tw...

So I was applying for a job and one requirement was to be flexible

I have spinal fusion, guess not.

Two atoms come back after fishin’

But they don’t come back after fusion.

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Emerson, Lake, and Palmer walk into a bar. . .


Picture it. June, 1971. London.

Keith Emerson, Greg Lake and Carl Palmer are celebrating the release of their album Tarkus at the Seven Stars Pub.

Very quickly, both ELP and their BACs are riding high.

Nothing can spoil t...

San Diego Comic Con and Dragoncon are going to pull their resources and merge into one event.

But it was called off because no one was happy with the con fusion.

Going to open a new restaurant ...

I am getting ready to open an Asian/Mexican fusion resturant...

I am calling it Juan-Ton

A famous car designer...

A famous car designer was about to retire at the age of 64 due to health concerns. For all his life, he had strived for perfection in his craft of designing cars, specifically for Kia. In each of his 32 models, he was instrumental in some innovation or vastly improved function.

He called for ...

An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar...

...which quickly becomes overcrowded. The bartender trying to take jocular orders for one beer than half a beer than a quarter of a beer and so on and so forth is crushed to death as are all the other patrons. And the mathematicians themselves, of course. Still they walk in. Somehow they force thems...

Vacancy announcements these days

Required qualifications:

- Work experience of 50 years or more;
- Incumbent must defeat a dragon;
- Willingness to work on weekends and holidays;
- Helicopter piloting licence;
- Ability to programme in any language imaginable;
- Knowledge of Swahili at least at uppеr intеrmеdi...

A man finds a lamp...

A man finds a lamp lying on the beach, and when he picks it up, he is startled when a genie comes out of it. The genie intones "For granting me my freedom, sir, I will grant you one wish." The man figures that if he only gets ONE wish, he should probably use it for the greater good, and requests "Oh...

three daughters

There was this dad that was an owner of a morgue that had three daughters. The dad went and picked up this guy from a heart attack. The dad told the three girls that they needed to fix and prep him for tomorrow. Well the first girl got a look at him and said he was a really charming looking guy. She...

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