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What's the best thing about fingering a gypsy on her period

You get your palm red for free

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

little boy walks by his mom's room and sees her fingering herself

She's in front of the mirror saying "I need a man, I need a man"
Weird the boy thinks and goes on about his business.
The next day, the same thing, "I need a man, I need a man"
Bitch is crazy, thinks the boy. Oh well, he goes on about his business.
The third day he walks by and a guy is ...

What's worse than fingering your sister?

Finding your dad's lost wedding ring inside her whilst your doing it!

Don't you hate it when you're driving along smoking a cigarette, you flick it out the window and you drive for a couple more miles and smell something funny and you look over onto the back seat and sure enough..

Grandma's fingering herself again

Today my mom saw me fingering myself on my period...

I guess you could say she caught me red-handed.

Why was the piano teacher arrested?

He kept fingering A minor.

Guitarist Arrested for Fingering Minor...

Considered to be a fret to himself and others

So I was fingering this girl, she said put 2 in so I did.

She said put your whole hand in so I did, next she demanded the other hand so I obliged. Finally she said "now clap your hands" I said "I can't" to which she replied "Pretty tight huh?"

When’s the only time you can get away with fingering a minor with multiple witnesses?

When you’re playing guitar

My girlfriend insisted that she wanted a fingering

she’s not a fan of toe rings

Today I popped a G string while fingering a minor.

I'm going to the violin repair shop tomorrow.

My friend was repeatedly accused of fingering girls while they were on thier period.He denied it.

Eventually they caught him red handed.

(Sorry for my english).

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