
Why are socialist school teachers so disorganized?

Because they love to see the class struggle.

Why was Caitlyn Jenner's house a mess?

She was disorganized.

what are your thoughts on psychedelics?

Personally, my thoughts on psychedelics are disorganized and nonsensical.

Why are kidney donorsโ€™ houses so messy?

They are disorganized.

Teaching as a career

A school teacher walks into a bar and orders a beer. "I'm so worn out," he complains to the bartender. "The entire American school system is horribly disorganized and poorly run." "Well, then I guess it's true," the bartender says. "School really does prepare you for real life."

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

Memories of my grandma

I grew up with 2 brothers and a sister. Our parents tried their best - but it was difficult for them to make time for each of us as individuals. That's why each of the kids alternated spending a weekend at grandma's every month.

I always looked forward to that Saturday morning breakfast. G...

TJ Miller should change his name...

...to TJ Maxx: A disorganized mess of stuff that can now be had at a severe discount to it's previous value.

A Librarian just got a new job.

On his first day someone asks him where a certain book is. He knows where it should be but can't find it there, in fact none of the books seem to be organized correctly. He goes to the head librarian who finds the book with ease.
He asks the head librarian why all the books are so disorganized....

A dog applies for a job as an accountant...

So a dog goes in for an interview at an accountant's. Unfortunately the manager HATES dogs for some obscure reason from his youth.

Anyways, the manager tells the dog that it's got to pass three tests, else it can't be hired.

"First, you've got to be good with computers."

The do...

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