pseudoscienceatheismflood geologydeismcreationismomphaloschristianityevolutionbiologysciencecosmogonygnosticismreligious beliefcreation mythcatastrophism

It's never worth getting into an argument about creationist Adam & Eve versus evolution

You're just comparing apples and origins

A Creationist and Atheist Debate

Creationist: If man evolved from apes, why are there still apes?

Atheist: If Adam came from dirt, why is there still dirt?

A creationist told me that evolution must be wrong because it violates the second law of thermodynamics

His claim was that in order for simple organisms like bacteria to evolve into much more complex life like fish and mice and horses and gorillas and people, an enormous input of energy would be required, therefore it must be impossible.

I stayed up all night trying to think of something that w...

No evidence is good enough for a Creationist...

But no evidence is good enough for a Creationist.

Dragon Ball fans are like creationists

If you talk about Evolution, they get mad.

Why don't biblical creationists make good doctors?

Because they have no patience.

Guys, I'm not saying that Flat Earthers, Anti-Vaxxers, and Creationists are unintelligent people but...

there is a reason why shoes with Velcro straps come in adult size.

A young earth creationist is talking to his congregation...

"...and we are clearly intelligently designed!" he yells. "Just the eye itself is so incredibly complex, it could have only be designed by an all powerful Creator."

The congregation cheers.

"Now please be seated, brothers and sisters. Let the sermon begin." he says, as he puts on his ...

Creationist have often made me question evolution

But probably not in the way they think

What do nerds and Creationists have in common?

They're offended by The Big Bang Theory.

Why do creationists prefer FIFA to PES?

Because PES is Pro Evolution Soccer.

How many Creationists does it take to change a light bulb?

None - theyโ€˜ve invented torches.

What do creationists and neutron stars have in common?


This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

What is a creationist's favorite button in pokemon?

B to cancel evolution

What did the creationist student say when asked why he didn't have his homework on natural selection?

My dogma ate it.

Why did the relationship between the creationist and Organic molecule not last ?

Because the creationist did not believe in carbon dating.

What do a creationist and a dude with a dinosaur bone fetish have in common?

They both get a hard on when they find a gap in the fossil record.

Bill Nye's new show is so bad!

How bad is it?

It turned me into a creationist.


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