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Seminar "How to avoid frauds" is canceled.

Tickets are non-refundable.

When I canceled my gym membership,

I had to hand in my too weak notice

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April's fool's Is canceled This Year

No one has managed to come up with a prank that can match the unbelievable shit going on in the world right now...

Why did the wizard get canceled?

Abuse of staff

Christmas is canceled

I told Santa you were good this year and he died laughing.

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Sorry everyone, the weekly reading of the Communist Manifesto has been canceled.

My parents are remodeling their basement.

Easter is canceled

They found the body

NASCAR is officially canceled

After discovering it's just a human traffic ring

The Russians just canceled their undercover Penguin program

they found out we have NAVY Seals

My kids soccer championship was canceled due to rain and sleet.

So every player got a precipitation trophy.

Why was the prison writing contest canceled?

The warden decided that there were too many cons and not enough prose

What are we to do with all the canceled sporting events?

They're going to televise the world origami championships live... On "paper view"!!!

I canceled my appointment at the sperm bank.

I told them I was sorry but I couldn't cum.

My "Workaholics Anonymous" meeting got canceled...

Everyone had to work late

Fox has just announced they have canceled Empire

I hope Jussie Smollett doesn’t beat himself up over it.

My origami classes were canceled.

Apparently the school folded.

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Psychic convention canceled

due to unforeseen circumstances

Brit: Why is it ‘cancelled’ in the UK but ‘canceled’ in America?

Murican: Coz we gave you that L in 1776

What did the lovebirds eat in quarantine when their plans for Las Vegas were canceled?


My father promised me he would take me to Niagara Falls and then canceled

It was a Falls promise! :(

Today's performance of Hamilton was canceled in Chicago due to the polar blast.

Once again Brrrr kills Hamilton

Parents should wake their kids up early tomorrow and tell them to get ready for school because coronavirus was canceled

April Fool's

Why was the leper hockey game canceled?

There was a face-off in the corner.

What’s the best part of a Netflix original?

The second half of this joke has been canceled by netflix

TIL the Titanic was scheduled to have an evacuation drill the same day it sank but was canceled by the captain.

Now let that sink in.

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