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If Prince Zuko worries about about where the avatar is

Does he have Aangxiety?

What is the avatar's favorite sport?


My 7 year old just came up with these Avatar: The Last Airbender jokes. We were quite surprised.

What kind of music does Toph like?

- Rock-and-Roll

What kind of instrument does Aang play?

- Air guitar

I know it’s not much, but I got a kick out of his reasoning and decided to share.

What do you call an Avatar that was born in the 1950's

Boomer Aang

Where do Avatars learn to bend?

At elementary school!

What's the avatar's favourite fruit?


I think my dad is the Avatar

Because when I needed him the most he vanished

Why can't Flat-Earthers watch the show Avatar?

Because they don't understand the concept of Earth-bending

Why was the Fire Lord afraid of the Avatar?

Because he had Aangxiety.

What does the avatar get when he’s nervous?

He gets Aang-xious!

What do you call an old, grumpy Avatar that comes back and ruins the economy every time you send him away?

A Boomer Aang.

P.S. I'm so sorry.

What are the Avatar elements?

Water, Earth, Fire and Lays chips

An Avatar: The Last Airbender and Star Trek crossover?


So the avatar was gone for 100 years and he came back

That's what I call a Boomer Aang

Did you know Avatar is a sequel to Titanic?

It picks up where Titanic left off, in the sense that half the cast is blue and dying.

Obligatory edit: Frontpage on /r/jokes! Wohooo!

What happens to The Avatar when he gets mad?

He gets Aangry!

All the avatar has done is complain about the youngsters since his return, so the new series is now called

Boomer Aang

But at least he is back!

(This is seriously what insomnia does to a guys already fading sanity).

What do you call a gullible patriarchal figure from the Avatar movie?

A Fleeced Na'Vi Dad.

So I discovered that the creatures from avatar have come up with a new business idea.

They’ll let you rent a tribesman as a father figure over the Christmas period.

I heard they’re being called For lease na’vi Dads

When Avatar Aang gets old...

He'll be a Boomer-Aang. He'll always come back (as an Avatar reincarnation).

Is Ronald Reagan Ozai from Avatar?

Cause he seemed to have fired the air-controllers.

A redditor walks into r/jokes...

The redditor notices the subs new avatar and immediately leaves.

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I never understood how Ty Lee joined the Kyoshi warriors at the end of Avatar.

That's like if the United States hired Nazi rocket scientists to work on our space program after WW2 ended.

Why didn't the Avatar want to fight the Fire Nation?

Because they gave him Aang-xiety

Someone told me that Avatar is the highest grossing film of all time.

I know some parts are a bit unpleasant, but it’s not that disgusting.

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No one really expected the Avatar porn

It kinda just came out of the blue

In the end, I had to deactivate my malfunctioning fitness avatar.

It just wasn’t working out for me.

The lead actress for Avatar Korra is going to be so hard for M. Knight Shyamalan to cast

Gotcha :)

What's the difference between M. Night Shyamalan and Ozai?

M. Night Shyamalan successfully killed the Avatar.

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One day Reddit's avatar, Snoo, dies and is greeted by St. Peter

One day Reddit's avatar, Snoo, dies and reaches the pearly gates of heaven.

Saint Peter looks at him.

"Oh, I know you! You're Snoo! Reddit's avatar!"

Snoo is intrigued by this moment. He *is known beyond this world*?

"Snoo, I've looked over your life's history. You're ju...

A monocle walks into a bar

After a few drinks the [monocle](http://www.yoghurt-optimal.by/img/avatar-elements/monocle.png) starts to feel pretty good (and a little uncoordinated). He reaches for a cigarette, but the bartender stops him. "Sorry, buddy, but due to city ordinances we don't allow smoking in here. You'll have t...

Did the band Earth, Wind, & Fire even know...

...how close they were to reaching the Avatar state?

Luigi invites Mario over to play some Nintendo Switch...

...as they get ready to fire up some Smash Bros. Mario notices Luigi has a new avatar.

Mario asks, "Say, Luigi, what kind picture is that?"

Luigi says... "It's a Mii, Mario."

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"What a lovely pair of Blue Tits" said one Bird Watcher to the other

"Will you please shut up!" shouted everyone else at the Avatar 2 screening

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My friend who saw Avatar for the first time must be such a bird lover.

He wouldn't shut up about all the blue tits.

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